Label: Melodic Revolution Records Florida USA | Production, Keyboards: Andrew Roussak | Guitar: Thomas Geiger | Bass: Wolfgang Fetzer | Drums: Michael Gehrlein
A Tribute to the Giants of Art Rock (2019 - 2024)
genFloyd bringen virtuos die Klassiker aus den 1970er Jahren der Musiklegenden Genesis & Pink Floyd in einer einzigartigen Live-Show auf die Bühne. Wish you were here, The Carpet Crawlers,
The Cinema Show, Comfortably Numb, Dance on a Volcano, Shine on you crazy diamond u. v. m.
Präsentiert mit einer beeindruckenden Licht- und Video-Show und einem originalgetreuen Sound der begeistert.
genFloyd bring the classics from the 1970s by the music legends Genesis & Pink Floyd to the stage in a unique live show. Wish you were here, The Carpet Crawlers, The Cinema Show, Comfortably
Numb, Dance on a Volcano, Shine on you crazy diamond and many more.
Presented with an impressive light and video show and a sound that is true to the original and inspires.
Photos: Alexandra Krämer, 3P-Productions, bluecommerce
Production, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Vocals: Thomas Geiger | Drums: Michael Gehrlein | Sound Engineer: Matthias Winkelmann
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